From the creators of the world’s first ever multiple mini interview questions book. The multiple mini interview mega book is a two volume soft cover book with over 500+ pages, 199 high-yield MMI scenarios, and 150+ detailed answers and interview scores.
What is included in the book?
- Detailed explanations of acting stations, quirky questions, data interpretation, personal questions, ethical scenarios, teamwork and conflict resolution stations, resource allocation, and more.
- High-yield MMI scenarios & detailed answers: We hired medical students, residents, and attending physicians who have successfully navigated the MMI to write detailed responses to 60, high-yield MMI scenarios. Each scenario includes answers from 2-4 different people and 3-4 page long analysis, scoring, and comparison of the answers. By reading multiple unique responses from different individuals to the same scenario, you gain invaluable insights into how various people approach a situation. There are an additional 139 high-yield scenarios for you to practice
- Crash course in medical ethics for the MMI: This provides an overview of the main ethical principles and high-yield examples you should be familiar with for the MMI.
- Body language and articulation for MMIs: The importance of strong body language and clear articulation in the MMI is discussed, emphasizing the skills and resources needed for compelling MMI answers Gain insight into the MMI
- How applicants are assessed and who the interviewers are: A detailed explanation of the evaluation process, a sample MMI score sheet used by interviewers, and information on interviewer training for the MMI.
- Hot topics in healthcare: 25 high-yield topics in healthcare that you must know about before your MMI.